2025 Snippets

TRACES Edition 28, 2024                                                                                                                      

Unchained: the liberation of a woman’s mind… “For much of human history, women’s aspirations were stifled and their movements restricted, profoundly influencing, social, economic, and political landscapes….”

The refrigeration revolution…  “Prior to the late 19th century, refrigeration options were limited, and preserving perishable foods was a daily struggle…

Australia’s first wine…  “Many 19th century observers believed that Australia would become the France of the Southern Hemisphere….

William John Mayne and the murder that wasn’t….  “William John Mayne traded from the Albion Wagon Works, Port Tennant (near Swansea) during the early 1900s.

Exploring Scotland’s Criminal Database…  “Criminal records are a wonderful source of information … increased indexing has made it possible to discover more….


KITH & KIM    Cape Banks F.H.S.     November 2024

Emerson Castle and Mary Lou Lunnun: A Love Story…. “…on a country estate in Kent, England that two young people Emerson Castle. a shepherd, and Mary Ann Lunnun, a kitchen maid, fell in love….”

Generational Changes: The Shute Family….  “John Shute arrived in Australia in 1838 on the “Emma Eugenia …”

A Family tragedy: Albert Briant …. “…Albert was one of ten children…. For reasons that my never be known, Albert adopted the name “Michael Stafford….”

The Lowrey Family Migration to Australia…. John Lowrey was born in Gateshead, Country Durham in 1841….”

GHOSTBUSTER Campbelltown Dist. F. H. S. November 2924

Unusual First Names – Faley….  “The name Ealey was   used as a surname between 1840 and 1920….”

Unusual First Names – Eremina

First Fleet Children on the ship Lady Penrhyn

Henrietta… “Henrietta was born off the Cape of Good Hope on 22 October 1787…. Henrietta attended the Orphan School at Parramatta

The TAMWORTH F.H.  November 2024                                                                                                         

“Bill Summers” (Vasilios Calokerinos) Family.  Back to your Roots…New England Region……. “Greek society in Tamworth….”.

Eighty Years Ago.  Tamworth’s First Public School…Interesting Reminiscences

Early Tamworth ….  newspaper articles and stories

LINKS ‘N’CHAINS  Liverpool Genealogy Society.  October 2024    

The Way It Way ….  Historical Sketches of Liverpool.   Liverpool in Times Past…. Liverpool in Present Times …. Liverpool in Anticipation….

A Journey of Discovery….   “Giuseppe Sammut and Maria Carmel Sant….. how a marriage certificate leads to discovery family secrets….

Maltese Research Help. Margaret Beadle’s list of available Maltese records.

Deserters, from the Liverpool Military Camp, 1915

Software for viewing documents…. help with PDF files…

Beginner’s Corner…… Tips for reading old handwriting documents…

KITH & KIN Cape Banks F. H.S. September 2024

The Foster Child Mystery…. “The Butson family…. well documented as pioneers in the Shoalhaven area…a link to Henry James Sinclair?

Margaret and Michael Fitzgerald…. “After some research, …Michael Fitzgerald buried in Old Wollongong Cemetery having died in 1852…. Margaret Fitzgerald, a widow, buried in West Dapto Catholic Cemetery….”

Old Halls Creek Cemetery…Western Australia, the site of the first discovery of payable gold…

Hope to see you all soon