ANCES-TREE. Burwood and Dist. F H Group November
Tour of St Thomas’ Anglican Church and Cemetery, Enfield NSW….to celebrate Family History Week this club were taken on a conducted tour of the final resting place of many notable people…… pictures and illustrations.
Bong Bong Cemetery – Three Headstones and the family story behind them – William Hines, Jonathan and Charles – information, photographs to illustrate.
2 Books reviewed – Early Newcastle: The Fettered and the Free; They Sent me North: Female Convicts in the Hunter.
Waverley Cemetery – Two Sisters….Claudine de Chateauboug and Lydia (Wallace) – This is a fascinating and must-read story, members! [JGS] and illustrations
DNA Down Under – article written by a member of the Society of Australian Genealogists Advanced DNA Group.
THE TAMWORTH FAMILY HISTORIAN November – Extract from Tamworth Identities –
Esther Charlotte Warner 1888-1968 – family connections and history
Matthew Tate – My DNA journey has been an interesting one – quite an amount about this man on the internet. Matthew married his first wife in 1838. Matthew married again in 1859.
Extracts from Northern Daily Leader 2/4/1924 – Death of A B Walker (the man who shot Thunderbolt) extract from ‘Old Uralla Cemetery’ book…Captain Thunderbolt
2/1/1928 Mr S Jacobs, Nemingha….died at his residence…
1/10/1926…. 44 Years’ Service Mr J Bell
19/12/1934 …Mr W Kent. 5/10/1926 Mr William Silver 7/5/1943 Mr Thomas James Cleary…..1/2/1944 Mrs Charlotte Whitten memorial tablet laid…10/10/1846 Gored by a Cow, Annie Reilly…..13/5/1903 passing of Mr Arthur McGlinchy
MURRUMBIDGEE ANCESTOR. The Wagga Wagga & Dist. F H S – Society’s Happenings.
Notes from Wagga Wagga….Local Items…
Research requests – families of Cartwright; Sable; Carroll; Star.; Butler
My Auntie Effie….Euphemia Eleanor Baker…
Pioneer Women of Australia……Annie Carter
The Eldest Daughter……Mary Ann Gilmore arrived in the colony of NSW in 1841
CLEVELAND F H S October – Members’ Contributions:
The Diary of a Cleveland Miner…. “a folded newspaper page, yellowed with age, was found folded inside my great grandfather’s Victorian bible….”
From the Dengie to Durham: Economic Migration in th1870s….. “In the latter half of the 19th century, the Midlands and the north of England were economically thriving….” names include: A & S Clarke, Cook, C Robinson, Whent, Jennings., Woodward, W Robinson
Good People of Stranton……a poem written to entice buyers
GHOSTBUSTER. Campbelltown Dist. F H S November
Female Ancestors of Note….Ann Forbes….. Ann’s story told….she stole 10 yards of printed cotton…arrested, sentenced to death at Newgate….transported to Australia… the story goes on…..!
Female Ancestors of Note – Esther Abraham Johnson….Esther, pregnant in 1871….stole lace…sentenced to transportation… including her memorial in Waverley Cemetery.
GLAMORGAN F H S – December
Immigration into Merthyr Tydril. The Melting Pot Pt.2…..Jews, Germans, Italians, Spanish, Multi-Cultural society.
Migration…The roots and branches of Ivy Brown of Merthyr Tydfil…told by her material granddaughter
Resurrection Cheese…. an enterprising shepherd used fallen headstones from a graveyard in a deserted church…the end r
esult was the cheeses he made had the imprint from the headstones!!
The Norwegian Church, Cardiff….. “the church developed with the increase in Scandinavian, and particularly Norwegian, shipping in the Bristol Channel ports…”
From Greece to Cardiff via County Cork….. “great grandfather, Nicholas SVOMBO, was born in 1827 on the Greek island of Hydra…..aged 17 he had an accident…..”
Goulburn Dist. Hist. & Gen. Soc. November Society’s News.
Local Identities….Mrs Sarah Ranger….Nurse Sylvia Sheridan….Station 2GN, Official Opening in 1932….Goulburn’s Homesteads….Old Convict Days….House Numbering in Goulburn…..Goulburn -The ‘First’ City.