At the next member’s meeting day at 11:00am on 13th September 2017 our new data base system will be explained and demonstrated by Ron Smith
He will be announcing the data base of names associated with Milton Ulladulla and Surrounding Areas from 1830 To 1943 (so far) over 5000 entries
It is very easy to use and he will show us how to find the information on our shelves in Ulladulla Meeting Room.
If you are helping at the Centre and a person walks in the door with a question such as happened this month and says “My husband’s grandfather lived in Ulladulla in the 1800’s and married a lady called “Blar” and we are looking for information”. This index in the computer is a great help.
The index is in its developmental stage and is growing by the week.
Ron will be showing how it operates and anybody can work with “hands on” to try it out.