Constitution of Milton Ulladulla Family History Society Inc
Incorporating amendments adopted 14 November 2010
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Contents list:
Part 1 – Preliminary
1. Definitions ……………………………….4
Part 2 – Membership
2. Membership Generally ……………………………….4
3. Application for Membership ……………………………….4
4. Cessation of Membership ……………………………….5
5. Membership entitlements not transferable ……………………………….5
6. Resignation of Membership ……………………………….5
7. Register of Members ……………………………….5
8. Fees and subscriptions ……………………………….6
9. Members’ liabilities ……………………………….6
10. Resolution of internal disputes ……………………………….6
11. Disciplining of members ……………………………….6
12. Rights of appeal of disciplined members ……………………………….7
Part 3 – The committee
13. Powers of the committee ……………………………….7
14. Composition and membership of committee ……………………………….8
15. Election of members ……………………………….8
16. Secretary ……………………………….9
17. Treasurer ……………………………….9
18. Casual vacancies ……………………………….9
19. Removal of member ……………………………….10
20. Meetings and quorum ……………………………….10
21. Delegation by committee to sub-committee ……………………………….11
22. Voting and decisions ……………………………….11
Part 4 – General meetings
23. Annual general meetings-holding of ……………………………….11
24. Annual general meetings-calling of and business at ……………………………….12
25. Annual general meetings-calling of ……………………………….12
26. Notice ……………………………….13
27. Quorum for general meeting ……………………………….13
28. Presiding member ……………………………….13
29. Adjournment ……………………………….14
30. Making of decisions ……………………………….14
31. Special resolution ……………………………….14
32. Voting ……………………………….14
33. Proxy votes not permitted ……………………………….14
34. Postal ballots ……………………………….14
Part 5 – Miscellaneous
35. Insurance ……………………………….14
36. Funds-source ……………………………….15
37. Funds and assets-management ……………………………….15
38. Alteration of objects and constitution ……………………………….15
39. Custody of books ……………………………….15
40. Inspection of books ……………………………….15
41. Service of notices ……………………………….16
42. Financial year ……………………………….16
Application for membership of Society ……………………………….17
Form of nomination-election of Office Bearers ……………………………….18