Membership Fees are $35 per year for a single membership and $50 per year for family membership plus and initial $6 joining fee and all subscriptions are due by 30th June each year. (Please Note: pro rata fees apply for part year subscriptions).
Why Join?
If your planning to become a committed ‘family history detective’ OR just needing a lot of help &/or information……then we thoroughly recommend joining the society as a member.

This will provide you much needed ease of access to not only records but, unlimited help, reduced search costs where applicable and besides you just get to meet a great bunch of people…..we have more than 40 members.
Members can borrow books (other than reference books) and any exchange journals, on a monthly basis. We have a good range of microfiche and growing stock of CDs which we can access on our PCs. The CDs are available for borrowing on payment of a small deposit. Internet access for family history research is available on our PCs including world subscriptions to Ancestry and Find My Past at no additional cost.
Join Now – You can download a membership form here: MUFHSI-Membership-form (Click to Open.)
Simply complete the form and either drop it directly into us (during opening hours) or post it. If you have more questions or need assistance please don’t hesitate to Contact Us