Tuesday 4th May 2021 – All Day Event
This event has now been postponed for a date to be announced later in the year
We are organising a bus trip to Rookwood Cemetery. It will be an early start on the day as we need to be at Rookwood to commence our tour by 10.30am. The exact time will be confirmed soon and the bus will be leaving from outside our room at the Ulladulla Civic Centre. The tour will be given by Mark Bundy who visited us at our room and gave the talk on the history of Rookwood in March 2020. This talk was so very interesting that we all decided we needed to do the actual tour at Rookwood. The tour will go for about 2 and a half hours and our bus will be able to take us between the various historical points of interest.
If you are interested in joining this day’s outing, please email our secretary. We anticipate the cost for each person for the bus trip will be $40.00, however this is to be confirmed. The tour is free.
We need around 35 people to be interested. The bus can take up to around 45 people. If we have more than 35 people the cost per person will be a little less.
Members, Partners and Friends are all welcome. It will be a fun day and a bonus that you don’t have to drive.
Further information will be supplied as it comes to hand.