Our Activities Officer has been busy organising and booking a tour for us to go to Rookwood Cemetery. It is scheuled for Tuesday 8th November 2022
The tour starts at 9.30am, we meet at the “All Souls” chapel located next to the general cemetery’s office on Hawthorne Avenue Rookwood. After a short introduction, we head to the other side of the cemetery, stopping at various points for short walks visiting points of interest. The tour takes about 3 hours.
Walking distances to all sites on the tour are only a short walk from the main road. We will be able to drive between areas using our own cars. Mark, our tour guide is happy adding in extra short drives/stops between areas for those who find longer walks more difficult.
We already have approximately 14 yeses. Partners are welcome too. If you would like to add your name to the list please send an email to our secretary or when down at the room let the roster member know and they will pass it onto either Julie or Bev.
Car pooling can be arranged amongst yourselves for those who will be leaving from Ulladulla on that morning.