TIMESPAN Nepean F H S September 2021
The Cowan Brothers in Australia and the Law…… “The Cowan brothers, Andrew and James were born to a large family in the village of St. Ninians, Stirling, Scotland. Andrew was baptised on July 3, 1786. The Australian connection began in 1825….Little is known on how the family lived till 1833 when Andrew …fell foul of the law…murder…shooting an Aboriginal….court case…….acquitted….theft of a heifer…and finally…one day he went out into the bush to deliver food and never returned “ !!!! Brother James has an equally interesting fare with the law……….great story
Theodore Vine Gow _ The Grandfather I never knew…… “Theodore was born in 1894 in Lithgow…won school prizes….married Cecilia Maud Kellaway…passed the Dental Board Examinations in 1935,,,,,
COVID Tales…./unable to travel to England Lorraine and her husband decided to travel within Australia….they toured about Western Australia in search of places where their ancestors lived….interesting discoveries…..documents and photos support the story….
COVID Baby Tales…… another story by Lorraine…….
John McGarity, His Conviction gave him a New Life…… “John was born in Country Tyrone …charged with stealing clothes…sent to Australia….granted freedom in 1834 after working for Dr. George Wentworth….
Can you Help?…Do your know the Whereabouts of the Original Photographs?
Geoffrey Robert ‘Bob’ Dwight Pt.2…. Bob dates his periods in three different prisoner of war camps…. He played the flute and entertained fellow POWs in a Stalag band. …Bob arrived in Australia in 1945 and married Jean in 1946…
Nepean Times…..snippets from the paper….How to fail in dairying…..Flying in Penrith….Ugly Man Competition….marriages/deaths/births locally…
The Genealogist. AIGS F H Magazine Spring 2021
Post Office, Kilmore….. remarkable old building over 130 years ago, and its history Myth or Reality? James Borham was his real name. Robert Pridham was the name he chose when he left London late 1852 in “a hury”…..he settled in Flemington, Victoria….married Harrie Dunnett in 1812……then a bigamous marriage in 1826.. . .died in 1846…BUT it was his offspring that were notorious!!
Who is Wilfred Cox? ….questions to ponder
A fortune won and lost….. Samuel William Watcham…born about 1837 in Suffolk…migrated to Melbourne as a young man…..employed as a commercial traveller…tenanted at 42 Albert Road, South Melbourne…wife Emma bore two children who died within days of their birth….
Box Hill Historic Society……
Is William Cralley a member of your family?…. enlisted in American Confederate Army…moved to Australia….destitute….army pension arrived when he was 92…!!!
New Resources……Bound for Botany Bay, British Convict Voyages to Australia [Alan Brooke diaries David Brandon] taken from journeys to Botany Bay, Norfolk Island, Van Diemen’s Land…..from transportation policy,letters,diaries and log-books and ballads The Story of The “Monster Mine”…..The Burra Burra Mine and its townships 1845-1877…..not onlyh Burra, but also Kapunda and Kooringa…tells of the growth of this rich mining area….its rich Cornish heritage.
The Tamworth Family Historian November 2021
Reedin”, Rightin”, & Rithmatick,hereabouts… Early history of Education in the Peel Valley…. The earliest sighted reference to a school in this region is that which is described in a boo entitled “The Walllabadab Manuscript”…..William Telfer wass the first white boy born in West Tamworth in 1841…and was one of ithe school’s firest pupils…it was a temporty bark-hut…..reminissences of the first pupils….quite enlightening !!!
Excerpts from The Tamworth Observer…….1915, Tamworth Volunteers….Death of Mr John West….death of Solomon Jospeh… …
Excerpts from the Northern Daily Leader…..James McIntyre’s death….Buried by earth fall- dredge worier’s Narrow Escape… Old Man;illa b;uilding demolished…Hisotry of Hayne Street…Obituaries for Bernard Joseph Doherty, Mrs Maud S Peg Gaffney,Mrs Mary Palmer…and more…
History. Australian Historical Society September 2021
Sarah Hynes and the Commonwealth Government’s Purchase of the Ellis Rowan Collection…. “Pioneer botanish Sarah Hynes MBE (1859-1938) was a complex early twentieth century feminist……first woman to join the Linean Society of NSW….member of the committee responsible for raising funds for the construction of the Sydney University Woman’s College….the part she played in persuading the Federal Government to purchase the E. R. collection
Tocumwal Airfield…. “the start of Second War….Australian’s defence infractructure was oriented to be on the lines of communication to be on the major ports from which the overseas units departed….October 1941 the Japanese threat intensified…Toc umwal looked at by the RAAF as the location for an air base…….
Captain Marry Mance: The Ferry Man of the Parramatta River….. “born in Newcastle in 1837,,,,,coming to Parramatta at three years of age…..started Parramatta Ferries in 1856… Bathurst: City of Museums…. “being custodians of collections,…is a vital role which the museums of Bathurst take very seriously….